Can You Hear Us Now: Inclusivity in the Media

Why Gender Violence in the Media Matters

Episode Summary

This podcast highlights how through certain time periods and on different media publications, the narrative of gender-based violence and sexual assault cases changes drastically. The inspiration behind this podcast is the infamous Lorena Bobbit case. Guests include journalist Kate Martin and Dr. Barbara Friedman 

Episode Notes

From the Guests

“I think it's really important for newsrooms to recognize that sexual violence is a lot more common than they think it is. When I was 19, I was actually selected for a jury for a rape trial, and I got to see some of the voir dire where they're selecting the jurors. And they would ask them, Do you know any rape victims? And like, almost all of the men said, I don't know, anywhere victims, and almost all of them women said, Yes, I do."--Kate Martin

“You can't have a single group responsible for this systemic change. So journalists have a lot of power, because news coverage is where so many people learn about social issues, especially if they're things you don't have firsthand experience with. So it might never occur to you that, you know, trafficking occurs in your neighborhood, because you've never seen it. Or no one has ever confided in you that they're being trafficked. So you might think it's just some other issue that affects other people. But journalists can bring that they can illuminate those issues that occur in your neighborhood, or affect you in ways that maybe you hadn't thought about.”--Dr. Barbara Friedman