Can You Hear Us Now: Inclusivity in the Media

Underrepresented Groups on Campus

Episode Summary

This episode gives voice to non-traditional minority students who have returned to college, an often overlooked group for various reasons, including nationality, gender, race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic background, etc. People from this group experience marginalization from broader society, and in many cases, at institutions of higher learning, and have decided to reenroll in school despite being of advanced ages compared to their counterparts. They offer unique and colorful experiences through a different lens that traditional students do not possess and often dismiss. This episode serves as a platform to amplify their voice and explore their lives before returning to school, examine why now is the time for them to return to school, and discuss their experiences since returning and their post-graduation aspirations. Through hearing their stories, these students have an opportunity to be heard, and listeners will learn more about individuals who are often unseen