Can You Hear Us Now: Inclusivity in the Media

S2 E9 Diverse Voices in Children's Storytelling

Episode Summary

As a child we all used to read and watch many stories that shaped who we are today and the amount of diversity in those stories have made an impact on how we see the world as well as how children see the world today. Looking at different generations of children and the stories they grew up with is important in determining how they view diverse stories, voices, representation and perspectives. The impact of seeing and experiencing the stories of others, especially those whose voices aren't heard, is important to learn from a young age and we want to see the impact that those stories have had on children. All sorts of diverse categories define how a story is told and in this sense can even define how a story is internalized and absorbed into a child's growth and development. We explore this topic through a conversation with award-winning children's book author Kelly Starling Lyons.

Episode Notes

Guest:  Kelly Starling Lyons