Can You Hear Us Now: Inclusivity in the Media

S1.E1. Generation Z

Episode Summary

This episode looks at how Generation Z—a generation that grew up during a media boom and an increase in awareness of political and social issues—saw their identities represented in the media and how that impacted them. Through a series of guest interviews, this episode analyzes Gen Z's view of how representation in the media has evolved over the past few years following the recent shift in political attitudes that catalyzed various social movements. Guests include Bronwyn Campbell, Mari Fabian, and Crystal Adkins

Episode Notes

From the guests...

“I think that good and quality representation should obviously be nuanced. As for characteristics I definitely think if you’re going to represent some identity that there should be someone who identifies as that involved in the production. I think a lot of the time good representation can give you insight into a different facet of that person’s lived experience that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise.”  --Bronwyn Campbell

“Definitely media has that obligation [to show representation], because ...all media is a reflection, or sometimes most of it is a critique on society. Why would you not include people that exist like all of these people, and these communities exist?”  --Mari Fabian